there, well our little catch up journey has now reached the end of September!
The 28th to be precise when my interview went live here
you remember me mentioning the series of up and coming interviews with British
artists in a blog post back in August? I hope you’ve been remembering to pop
along on a Friday and meet some of the talented artists that have been
interviewed in the series, if you missed out you can still see them all on the
blog, including yours truly in spot number 12.
has done a great job in hosting this series, her interview questions were
brilliant and a bit different to the norm and what a great idea to celebrate
the British talent that is out there I was honoured to be included in the
series and alongside some lovely, talented people too.
why not pop along and find out a little bit more about me
be inspired by all the other interviewees.
for popping by my little corner of blogdom and for those of you that have been
in for the long haul of this little catch up thanks for sticking with it ;) I’ll
have more to share with you soon until then I hope you are well and happy and
as ever
Great interview and it was lovely to see some of my favourite pieces again. Take care.